Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What do i feel about LSS?

I think that it is a subject of fun and joy,a subject that we can laugh and have fun.It is not boring(sometimes it is...)I think science is about concepts,but Miss Leong you can deliver the concepts in a more interesting way,lesser talks,more hands on.I am sure everybody will like it if the lesson is not dull.I think science is actually one of the few subjects that i like...seriously.
A substance floats if it is less dense, or has less mass per unit volume, than other components in a mixture. For example, if you toss a handful of rocks into a bucket of water, the rocks, which are dense compared to the water, will sink. The water, which is less dense than the rocks, will float. Basically, the rocks push the water out of the way, or displace it. For an object to be able to float, it has to displace a weight of fluid equal to its own weight.

Water reaches its maximum density at 4°C (40°F). As it cools further and freezes into ice, it actually becomes less dense. On the other hand, most substances are most dense in their solid (frozen) state than in their liquid state. Water is different because of hydrogen bonding.

A water molecule is made from one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, strongly joined to each other with covalent bonds. Water molecules are also attracted to each other by weaker chemical bonds (hydrogen bonds) between the positively-charged hydrogen atoms and the negatively-charged oxygen atoms of neighboring water molecules. As water cools below 4°C, the hydrogen bonds adjust to hold the negatively charged oxygen atoms apart. This produces a crystal lattice, which is commonly known as 'ice'.

Ice floats because it is about 9% less dense than liquid water. In other words, ice takes up about 9% more space than water, so a liter of ice weighs less than a liter water. The heavier water displaces the lighter ice, so ice floats to the top. One consequence of this is that lakes and rivers freeze from top to bottom, allowing fish to survive even when the surface of a lake has frozen over. If ice sank, the water would be displaced to the top and exposed to the colder temperature, forcing rivers and lakes to fill with ice and freeze solid.

A little read up to do my Science ACE project"Why does ice float on water"

This is one of the pictures that i use in my Science ACE project.

Term 3

Covering up on cells and plants and humans.......Structures of cells and all those respiration,photosynthesis...Headache man!Its coming to the end of the year,science is not really a big problem,lets mug for it!

Term 2

Hahahaha!Its term 2!Time for compounds ,elements,mixtures and much more!Time for me to show the power.....!"Ahem.."Time for Dr Zhang to start the lesson.Elements,put it simply it is a substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical methods.(from the textbook...)There are 116 known elements,92 occurred naturally on Earth,the rest are found out during experiments.Compound is a substance consisting of 2 or more elements joined together chemically.For mixtures,it will be 2 or more elements mixed together without using chemical methods."Thank you and goodbye Dr Zhang.."Lesson ended....

Term 1

In the first term i learned the names and uses of the basic lab equipments.I tried out a few experiments.I get in contact with different kinds of fire.I get to know more about the methods of conducting an experiment,like the precautions,the observation and measurements to be taken,recording of results,calculating the results.During the end of the term the class also learn about density,like calculating density.